One Tool Doctors Need To Master Social Media

With all of the social media channels available now, it can feel very overwhelming to try and share your message on everyone. I know this from experience.

Fortunately, there’s a great and inexpensive tool out there to help manage all social channels from one place. That’s SocialPilot.

Life Before SocialPilot

For many years, I’ve run digital marketing for physician practices.

Before SocialPilot, I would need to copy and paste my way in and out Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, Google MyBusiness, LinkedIn… this list seemed to go on and on.

And I would do this for each and every client!

This ended up taking a tremendous amount of time for me, even for just one account. And I know many other physicians who manage their platforms often feel the same way.

I needed a system that would make it easy to share a post on every social channel with just one input. That system is SocialPilot.

How SocialPilot Helped Me Better Manage Social Media

1). I can schedule all of my posts from one place.

socialpilot doctors accounts

Instead of relying on the old copy/paste routine to share information on each channel, I can load up a post in one place and have it sent to each one.

Once I finish a post, I can select which accounts I want to share it on, as well as a few other options.

2). I can schedule all of my blog and website social media posts at one time.

socialpilot scheduling

I’m a big believer in batching, so this is a significant productivity win for me.

Not only can I schedule everything from one place, and I can do it at the same time, right when I finish writing and scheduling my blog posts.

3). I can set create a schedule template for my posts to appear one time.

socialpilot calendar schedule template

One of my favorite SocialPilot features is that you can set a specific schedule of days and times to post for each social account ahead of time.

So once you’ve written a blog post, all that’s left then is to add it to the queue. It will automatically populate it in the next available slot you’ve determined ahead of time.

I’ve been using SocialPilot now for the last eleven months. Both for myself and my private clients.

If you’re a doctor utilizing social media to help grow your practice, you’re overcomplicating your life if you aren’t using SocialPilot.

How To Get A Free Trial Of Social Pilot

socialpilot doctors free trial

If you’re interested in trying this system for yourself, SocialPilot is extending a special for my readers.

You can try it free for fourteen days with no credit card required.

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