Doctors Don’t Need To Be On Every Social Media Channel

I get asked a lot about what social media channels are best for doctors to be on today.

It’s such a common question because it’s so challenging to keep up with them. It seems like there’s a new option every week.

The reality is that you can’t be on all channels, no should you be.

In fact, the more you narrow down your focus, the more traction you can build in your following.

Pick The Social Media Channel Where Your Patients Are Now

To really build traction and a solid following, you need to focus on where your ideal patients mostly are.

For most doctors and specialties, this is still going to be Facebook. Facebook is still the largest social media channel in terms of active users.

However, if you’re not sure which social channel they most use, there are a few ways to find out.

  • Do a reader survey on your blog/website.
  • Check your current social media metrics. Where do you get the most engagement?
  • Ask them while they are in your office (in a non-intrusive way). ” We’re looking/re-evaluating our social media strategy. If you were running our social media efforts, where would you focus and why?”

Focus your attention on 2-3 of the top platforms.

Pick The Social Media Channel That Best Serves Your Practice

While some new social channels might be amusing, they don’t always make for a great channel to expand a business.

Tik Tok and Snapchat may have a lot of users, but do they really provide users with the opportunity to navigate back to your website and schedule appointments? Not so much.

Even Instagram can be a challenge simply because you can’t put links into posts.

When you’re evaluating social media channels, it’s important to ask yourself:

  • “What business purpose am I trying to accomplish by being here?”
  • “How can I make that happen on this social media channel?”

If the answer to those questions is not clear, it’s probably not the best use of time to focus your efforts on that channel.

Be Consistent

Perhaps the biggest mistake I see doctors and practices make is not being consistent with their posts.

Social media can be a very effective tool in growing your practice, but it’s much less effective if people only see you post every now and again.

Just like having a blogging frequency, develop and stick to a regular posting schedule for 90 days and see what happens.


What social media channel do you think is the most-used by your current and potential patients?

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