How To Choose A Domain Name for Doctors

If you’re thinking about starting a website as a doctor, one of the very first things you will need to do is select a domain name.

But when thinking about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), or even something memorable for people, how do you make the sure you choose the best possible domain name?

It’s easier than you think.

Best Option For A Domain Name For Doctors

Use your name and your specialty with a .com address.

For example, if I was an Orthopedic surgeon, ‘TravisMarkOrthopedics’ would make an excellent domain name.

Not only is is memorable, it also indicates to Google who you are and what you do, which will help you when it comes to SEO and ranking well when patients search in Google.

Another reason to use your name is that patients are looking for human connection, not institutions.  They want a name and a face they can trust.

This is the age of personal brands, and having your name and speciality is the perfect combination.

If for some reason the domain you’re looking for has already been taken, you’ll just have to get a little creative while sticking to this strategy.

For example, if someone else owned, I might try:


Don’t Buy A .Doctor Domain Name

It may seem like a good idea to purchase a .doctor domain, but it’s important to avoid the temptation of doing this.

The simple reason is, people are so used to typing in .com, that they don’t typically think to type in anything else.

Additionally, .com has been shown to be the best domain extension for SEO because it’s the oldest and the most used.

Using Location In A Domain Name For Doctors

Another alternative that you could do is to use your city and specialty as a domain name. 

It’s not as personal, and transparently, most of these are probably already taken, but there can be advantages to this strategy as well.

For example, I live in Colorado Springs, so I might try:

Action Steps 

If you are just starting out, I recommend building your site around your name and specialty. You can always add to it down the road.

Plus, if you happen to find a location-specific domain name opportunity, go ahead and invest in that too. 

Worst case, it prevents your competition from being able to use it.

To take the next steps in purchasing a domain name, visit

If you sign up through my link above, you get a special discount on hosting and your domain name is free for the first year.

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