We all know that video is becoming an increasingly effective way to attract new patients. But did you know that you can add videos directly to your Google My Business profile as a doctor?
This is becoming one of the most cost-effective ways a doctor can stand out from the local competition.
Here are a few things to know about how to use videos on your Google My Business profile as a doctor:
Google My Business Videos Help You Stand Out
If you put yourself in the shoes of the ideal patient you are hoping to attract, are you more likely to click on a doctor’s Google My Business profile who has videos listed or the one who does not? If you’re like most people, you’ll definitely take a look at the doctor who has the videos.
Attracting Patients
Adding videos to your Google My Business profile is another way to best execute a comprehensive content marketing strategy.
These videos provide you with the opportunity to provide answers to some of the most common patient questions you experience. In doing so, patients will develop a comfort level with you upfront, which leads to more appointment requests.
30 Seconds or Less
Google My Business has a 30 second limit on the videos you can place in your profile. So you have a small window and must use your time wisely.
The advantage of this format for doctors is that it lends itself very well to short Q&A and prompts the patient to visit your website or book an appointment for more information.
Include Personal Videos on Occasion
People do business with people they know, like, and trust. This includes who they select as their doctor.
You can use this sparingly, but it is helpful to post a personal video from time to time.
I think hobbies make a great thing to post short videos about. If you’re into running, post a short video about the local race you might be participating in. Or if you are into cooking, a special family favorite you are making.
Things like this help make you even more relatable to patients.
Use Your Phone Camera
These videos don’t need to be expertly produced. There’s even an argument to be made about not having these types of short-form videos so polished.
Most smartphones now have a fantastic camera that is more than adequate for making these videos.
As an admitted Apple fanboy, the cinematic mode on the iPhone 13’s is perfect for this.
If you are looking for ways to stand out online, this is a tool you must take advantage of, especially before other competing doctors in your area begin doing so.