How To Maximize Your Local Reach

As a doctor who invests in digital marketing, you, of course, want to maximize your local reach to attract more patients. But how do you make sure your message gets noticed online?

Here are five key strategies to help you stand out.

1). Focus on Local SEO

Just about every piece of content you create for your website should have a keyword that you want to rank for.

Organic local SEO is the best way to get noticed online today. If you show up in Google searches ahead of your competition, you’re in a great position to succeed.

2). Keep it Simple

You might be tempted to think that you have to create content that patients can’t just find on WebMD. Not so.

If patients see you as a local doctor show up in their health-related search results, you instantly gain trust and credibility. So don’t worry about reinventing the wheel.

3). Lean Into Your Platform

If your family is like mine, you have one or two sayings that seem to pass down from generation to generation. One of ours is, * “Whatever you do, do with your might. Things done in halves are never done right.”* I think this is the best way to look at investing in your digital marketing platform.

If you only have an occasional focus on your platform, you won’t have the success you’re hoping for. If you’re going to invest in digital marketing, you need to go “all in.”

4). Be Confident in Your Message

One of the best things you can to in attracting patients online is just to be yourself. You don’t want a patient to think you are one way from seeing you online, only to show up and experience something else.

This is especially true when utilizing video. It’s easy to get a bit nervous about the video, especially if you have a small crew helping you. I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t overthink it. Just be yourself.

5). Invest in Your Tools

When you’re first getting started, simply beginning is the most important thing you can do. You don’t need to start out with the best technology for each aspect of your digital marketing platform, but you will want to continue to grow and improve over time.

Some of the key tools like SEMRush for keyword research and SocialPilot to manage all your social posts can help save time and create better results.

So as your platform continues to mature, go ahead and begin investing in some of these important tools.

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