Physician Competition – Why You Need Your Own Personal Website

I recently read an article about physician competition posted on Beckers Hospital Review. This article discussed findings from an analysis about the states where are physicians are expected to face the most competition in the coming years.

In order to be the physician that stands out from the crowd and attracts new patients, you will need to have your own platform and website from which to communicate.

Here are a few thoughts to consider as to why you as a physician need to have your own personal website:

Over 80% of Patients Search Online Before Scheduling an Appointment

Online search is becoming the most valuable opportunity for physicians to attract new patients. Every day, more and more patients are using Google search to look for health-related information.

There certainly aren’t many people who feel this trend will go away, and I agree. Even the elderly population mainly uses Google to find information about their conditions and find the best doctor.

SEO Is Very Effective for Bringing in New Patients

For all of these patients who are using Google search, the reality is if you’re not coming up on the first page of results, they are unlikely to find you.

Yes, to do SEO the right way and have it be effective, there is an ongoing effort that is required. The doctors who just put together a website once and leave it very rarely rank well. And if they do, it’s temporary. They have a little chance of remaining on the first page of Google when other doctors actively begin working on their SEO or one professional such as myself enter into the market.

The doctors who rank well and do so across a large variety of keywords are constantly being exposed to a stream of patients who are actively trying to find a solution.

Your Practice or Healthcare System Is Unlikely to Market You Well

Unless you are a solo practitioner, the reality is that the practice or healthcare system you are a part of will not be able to market you well. They really can’t be blamed. After all, it wouldn’t be right for them to promote one position over another.

Additionally, practice and healthcare system websites are often difficult to navigate, don’t have a lot of helpful information, and are frustrating to most patients.

By having your own personal website, you can provide helpful information to patients upfront, build trust, gain credibility, ultimately helping patients choose you over other competing physicians.

You Can Attract Your Ideal Patient

To me, having the opportunity to bring in more ideal patients is one of the greatest advantages for doctors who have their own websites and make the investment in SEO.

If you can do more of what you love and do so more profitably each day, that will be a win for you and a win for your patients.

I expect that in the coming years, physician competition is going to grow more intense. As more doctors begin to understand the value of SEO, it is more important than ever to get started building your own personal website and platform now.

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