Top 3 Physician Marketing Strategies for 2020

With all of the opportunities available today, determining the best physician marketing strategies can be a challenge.

From websites to social media, television, podcasting, and more; there are so many options available to physicians today.

But what strategies can generate the most significant returns in creating new patients for your practice?

1). Start a Website and Blog

In my view, this is the best and most important of the many physician marketing strategies.


The answer is simple. Close to 80% of people research a health care provider online before making an appointment.

If you want to show up in their Google searches, having a website and blog is the only way to do it.

2). Facebook Advertising

Yes, there is a lot of discussions that people are moving away from Facebook to some of the other social media platforms out there, but the data doesn’t support that.

Facebook has over 2.4 billion monthly users and is still by far the largest social media platform.

But the most significant advantage of Facebook is the ability they provide to market to your local target audience.

You can put in the exact demographics of your ideal patient candidates, and your ads will then begin to appear in their feeds.

3). Google My Business

This strategy really takes off when combined with having your own website.

Google My Business (GMB) is a tremendous free tool that Google provides to try and help people find places locally, including physicians.

Plus, GMB allows you to publish posts to your profile as well, so it acts as a hybrid social media option for updates you want to share.

There are dozens of physician marketing strategies that can and should be utilized today. But starting to execute well on these three strategies above will put you ahead of most of your local competition.

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