Why You Need To Have Your Target Keyword In Your Page Titles

Over the past twenty-two years, Google’s search algorithm has seen many changes. But one thing that has remained relatively consistent is the value of headings.

What Are H1 Headings?

H1 headings are HTML tags that indicate a heading on a webpage. In layman’s terms, they are typically the title of a page or blog post.

When you’re creating a page or post in WordPress, the H1 is automatically added for you in the title.

There are six total HTML headings that you can use on a webpage (largest to smallest):

  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • H4
  • H5
  • H6

How Do H1 Headings Help SEO?

Google still uses headings to help determine the content on the page and how to relate it to search intent. Plus, they provide a structure to the page, which is something Google likes from the standpoint of user experience.

Headings are also something that Google uses in its search algorithm for featured snippets. In fact, one of Google’s recent patents related to featured snippets contained “heading or headings” 127 times.

How Many H1’s Should You Use?

According to John Mueller at Google, there is no limit on how many H1’s you can have on a page.

However, I would recommend still only using a single H1. The reason being is that it creates a better experience for your readers. Plus, I feel this way is more future-proof as Google continues to place more ranking emphasis on user experience.

One way that’s been helpful to me when it comes to headings is to think of it like a research paper.

  • H1’s = Title
  • H2’s = Sections
  • H3’s = Sub Headings

I rarely use H4’s, H5’s, or H6’s. Typically I’ll have 3-6 H2’s in a post, with a few of them also containing the keyword I’m targeting.

You want to do everything you can as a physician to help Google rank your page to help patients find you online. Having your primary keyword in your H1 heading is a great way to do that.

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