Should Doctors Use Video on Social Media?

When it comes to building a successful online marketing platform, video today plays a vital role.

Furthermore, it can go a long way to help prospective patients gain a comfort level with you before booking an appointment.

How Should Doctors Use Video on Social Media?

The best way to use videos is to have a similar strategy as with writing blog posts. You’ll want to answer common questions or talk about some of the latest trends within your specialty.

Ideally, these videos should be shorter, somewhere between 2-5 minutes.

When completed, you’ll want to post the videos to your

  • Facebook Page
  • Instagram Page
  • YouTube Channel
  • LinkedIn*
  • Pinterest*

*See my post on which social media channels to consider.

Add Captions to Your Videos

Getting captions for your videos is very easy to do. Facebook even allows you to do this for free, but I recommend using a service like because you’ll get to download and keep the file, and then use it cross-platform. Captions generated by Facebook can only be used on Facebook videos.

There are several reasons why you’ll want to have captions for your social videos.

People are Reading Videos More Than Listening

It may sound strange, but watch someone today scroll through Facebook and get to a video. Chances are they’ll stop, and read the captions, without tapping for sound.

If you want more views and more extended views, you’ll need to adopt this strategy.

Captions Can Be Used for Blog Text

Ranking well in Google searches is still the primary objective for online marketing for doctors. The downside of just relying on video is that Google can index and process text content, but cannot do this with video.

When you download the caption files, you can quickly adjust and post the text to a blog post.

For bonus SEO points, embed the video from your YouTube channel in the blog post as well.

With 78% of people watching online videos each week, it’s safe to say that investing in video content is only going to help you grow your patient base.

Let me encourage you to begin using video before your competition catches on.

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